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Heart To Heart

#YOLOing for Christ

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil 1:21

The #YOLO culture is not unique to this generation. In fact, it has been built into each of us to give our all whenever we are driven with purpose and convicted to live by vision.

Why would the disciples live such sold out lives for Christ leading to martyrdom? Why would the apostle Paul write that “for me to live is Christ and to die is gain”?

So the point is this – #YOLO makes perfect sense in the light of all that He is doing through us. If we are called to glorify Him and to do all that we are doing as unto Him, then our lives should exemplify Christ in a “you live only once” fashion because the truth is that it is only when we are alive and here on this earth that we can glorify Him in this manner. Once we are called out of this earth (ie to die and be in His presence), the narrative for our lives will change in the light of eternity.

So before we consider being overly “mindful” and living cautiously, may we examine a possible perspective of a conduct that demonstrates a life well lived with passion and driven purpose.

Someone shared with me recently that pertaining to her faith, she does not want to be known at the end of her life as being a “nice Christian”, seemingly doing everything right, going to church, but her life being characterised as mundane and having neither transformation nor impact made for God.

Dear friend, God is calling us into awareness of this life that we can only get to live once… and that we should make it count for Him. How are you living yours for Christ today?

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